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How do I find the right employee for my project ?

Your company will request for a virtual employee in the domain where the need arises. We will provide the shortlisted profile(s) to you. Interview is conducted and after confirmation the employee is inducted into the project.

What is QuickVirtualHire guarantee ?

Our tracker tracks time and takes work-in-progress snapshots, giving you full visibility into project progress and accurately showing the time spent. We will also provide a weekly update to our customers. Our guarantee is ‘Time spent => Value Delivered’

Why is QuickVirtualHire unique ?

  • Quick Hire
  • No overhead expenses
  • No long term commitment
  • Quality delivery
  • Follow the sun model
  • Local contact

Is there a minimum commitment or contract ?

No. You are billed month-to-month and can cancel at any time with a month’s notice. You will not be billed after the termination date. There is no cancellation fee or penalty of any kind. You can ramp up the resource at a later date and we will try to allocate the same resource, if the resource is available. (We can also work with you to assess the patterns of business activity and anticipate the resource needs so that the lead time is reduced)

Are there any hidden and additional costs ?

There is no hidden costs or additional cost for any engagement. We believe in giving the best value to customer and thereby getting repeat business.

When will I be billed ?

Billing will be month to month in advance.

How do I get started ?

Your company will request for a virtual employee in the domain where the need arises. We will provide the shortlisted profile(s) to you. Interview is conducted and after confirmation the employee is inducted into the project.

How can I monitor the progress ?

Our tracker tracks time and takes work-in-progress snapshots, giving you full visibility into project progress and accurately showing the time spent. We will also provide a weekly update to our customers.

Can I add other people to my account ?

Yes you can. There is no limit to number of resources that can be added as each resource is charged separately in the same invoice.